Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Peaceful Protest -- Top DHS Checkpoint Refusals

Peaceful Protest -- Top DHS Checkpoint Refusals 
April 24, 2013

Empowerment Lesson 101 -- Know Your Rights! Some incredible leaders in this video. ~BK

(Thanks for the pointer KP)


  1. Empowering to watch. Bravo to those who not only lead, but demonstrate the way!

  2. This is the third time today that i have encountered stumbling blocks to you. Hurry up Caleb, Facebook is annoying a lot of us.

    1. LOL! I found out it was because of a link I had in one of my posts to a site that had been compromised. I'm pretty sure it's all been cleared up now...however, I do echo your sentiment regarding Facebook! ;)

  3. Great Video on border checkpoints and exercising ones rights. I got stopped at a border checkpoint recently and whimped-out ………… never occurred to me I could handle it the way these people did. The dogs pacing around were pretty disconcerting. I was intimidated to say the very least. Next time it WILL be different.

    1. Stand your ground my friend! As you can see there's not much they can do! I laughed my ass off watching this video :)

  4. Brian I was detained coming into this site it was marked as spam and I unmarked it. Also I had to answer a security puzzle to post on Facebook. What is happening here. CISPA did it pass the senate? Yea Caleb please lets get this rockin

    1. Project XIII, out in May!! Much Love to you Morningstar!

  5. Yes, I also had a problem yesterday...
    Your site was blocked, stating "Warning..Malware"
