Sunday, July 28, 2013

9/11 Firefighters Reveal Bombs Destroyed WTC lobby

9/11 Firefighters Reveal Bombs Destroyed WTC lobby
July 28, 2013

Based on YouTube details this video was released October 22, 2010. Currently it only shows about 109k hits, which tells me it hasn't gotten nearly enough play. OR, YouTube is manufacturing the hit count. I imagine it's probably a bit of both. Studies now show that there are more people who doubt the "official story" of what happened on 9/11, than those who accept it as Truth. ~BK

Newly obtained video that was reluctantly released by NIST after a lawsuit by the International Center for 9/11 Studies shows two firefighters on 9/11 discussing how secondary explosions occurred immediately before the collapse of the twin towers, providing damning new evidence that explosive devices were used to bring down the buildings. Firemen discuss how bombs were going off in the lobby of WTC1 as they were staging to move up the building. They explain how the building had already been hit by the plane and fires were already burning. After two explosions in the lobby, a third went off and the whole lobby collapsed. I’m sorry 9/11 truth deniers, you now have another smoking gun that you can’t deny!


  1. People have been programmed to perceive only what is well within the framework of their belief systems - and their belief systems excludes the possibility that the real "antichrist" is embedded within the financial-politioal-religious-military-industrial & commercial complex irself. Government is an extension of "God the Father" - and who wants to believe his or her own father is capable of such unmitigated evil?

  2. In physics, it is said the one who gets the general idea about ‘cause and effect’ is the one who gets it backwards. It is also said when you mix conjecture with fact, the latter dims in focus. In Spielberg’s Rebuilding Ground Zero, the narrative of the chief architect begins with “… they left a crater seven storeys deep and nearly a quarter-mile across.” Arabs, CIA or Mossad is conjecture whereas the 9 second powder production and the seven storey deep crater the size of the towers’ footprint - are facts. Staring down at the abyss, conjecture is replaced by unassailable logic while fact jumps out of the mess and slaps you hard. The false flag of the century goes linear only when good people, Spielberg inclusive, are fooled.

  3. The "crater" left in the footprint of the WTC complex in quite obviously NOT a "fact" since there are thousands of photographs, many taken by first responders, which show that the basement areas were not destroyed or filled with debris, but to the contrary, showed superficial damage only. Had such a crater existed, indeed, lower Manhattan would have severely flooded since the basements of the towers were built on the bedrock, about 70' below sea level, surrounded by the "bathtub" dyke holding out the water. The explosions attributed to "bombs" are actually the result of various pressurized holding tanks in the building whose walls were disintegrating under the huge weight of volume of water they held. The disintegration of the tanks was caused by the same phenomenon which caused the buildings themselves to turn to dust leaving no seismic signal, and also happened frequently outside in the firetrucks as the oxygen tanks exploded for the same reason.

  4. They look like they have just come out of a dust filled space. But the air around them appears to be clean and clear, not smog of dust that I believed was in the air for quite some time after the collapse of the building. It looks staged.

  5. Where did the towers go? Dr Judy Wood
