Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hungary Sheds Bankers’ Shackles

Hungary Sheds Bankers’ Shackles
August 25, 2013

• International Monetary Fund told to vacate the country; nation now issuing debt-free money

 By Ronald L. Ray

Hungary is making history of the first order.

Not since the 1930s in Germany has a major European country dared to escape from the clutches of the Rothschild-controlled international banking cartels. This is stupendous news that should encourage nationalist patriots worldwide to increase the fight for freedom from financial tyranny.

Already in 2011, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán promised to serve justice on his socialist predecessors, who sold the nation’s people into unending debt slavery under the lash of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the terrorist state of Israel. Those earlier administrations were riddled with Israelis in high places, to the fury of the masses, who finally elected Orbán’s Fidesz party in response.

According to a report on the German-language website “National Journal,” Orbán has now moved to unseat the usurers from their throne. The popular, nationalistic prime minister told the IMF that Hungary neither wants nor needs further “assistance” from that proxy of the Rothschild-owned Federal Reserve Bank. No longer will Hungarians be forced to pay usurious interest to private, unaccountable central bankers.

Instead, the Hungarian government has assumed sovereignty over its own currency and now issues money debt free, as it is needed. The results have been nothing short of remarkable. The nation’s economy, formerly staggering under deep indebtedness, has recovered rapidly and by means not seen since National Socialist Germany.

The Hungarian Economic Ministry announced that it has, thanks to a “disciplined budget policy,” repaid on August 12, 2013, the remaining €2.2B owed to the IMF—well before the March 2014 due date. Orbán declared: “Hungary enjoys the trust of investors,” by which is not meant the IMF, the Fed or any other tentacle of the Rothschild financial empire. Rather, he was referring to investors who produce something in Hungary for Hungarians and cause true economic growth. This is not the “paper prosperity” of plutocratic pirates, but the sort of production that actually employs people and improves their lives.

With Hungary now free from the shackles of servitude to debt slavers, it is no wonder that the president of the Hungarian central bank, operated by the government for the public welfare and not private enrichment, has demanded that the IMF close its offices in that ancient European land. In addition, the state attorney general, echoing Iceland’s efforts, has brought charges against the last three previous prime ministers because of the criminal amount of debt into which they plunged the nation.

The only step remaining, which would completely destroy the power of the banksters in Hungary, is for that country to implement a barter system for foreign exchange, as existed in Germany under the National Socialists and exists today in the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, or BRICS, international economic coalition. And if the United States would follow the lead of Hungary, Americans could be freed from the usurers’ tyranny and likewise hope for a return to peaceful prosperity.

Ronald L. Ray is a freelance author residing in the free state of Kansas. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence.


  1. This is great news!! May they find the prosperity they deserve.

  2. THANK YOU!! This is the MOST fantastic news!! We must surround Orban in light to keep him safe so he can continue his crusade to free his people from this system of slavery!!

    1. Obama represents this system of slavery! See who is behind him and his acts! Open ur eyes... he's another lie of the globalist, their most powerful weapon now! Dont be fooled!

  3. YAY HUNGARY! who is next?

  4. I'm a Hungarian too and this article is misleading in so many ways. We are just s much part of the global slavery as any other nation, what's more, they try to destroy us for our connection with our ancient culture. Our f*cking liar cunning PM says nice things, so what? Do you believe him? You must have known by now not to rely on ANY politician's word! We are not free by any means, our leadership is more intertwined with the zionist forces than ever, they are building Israeli settlements here and hijacked our airway company to help the settlers move in. We are debt slaves more than ever and our country is being destroyed more than ever. REMEMBER, THE SYSTEM CAN NOT BE CHANGED FROM WITHIN THE SYSTEM, any establishment leader who says so is either ignorant or lying. Democracy is a prison, centralized power will always mean slavery, no matter who leads it.

    1. How can we know what is true? So, what we are reading id NOT true? Please keep us informed.

  5. Smart people in Hungary, looks like the only place to invest for the future?

  6. This would be nice, but... There is a Hungarian saying: "the bride is not so nice", or according to a more rude version: "the bride having balls"... Meaning sometimes things are not exactly like they seem to be at the first glance.
    Unfortunately, in this case Orban's ulterior motives were not so really nice. He does not hesitate to get the country even more deeper into the debt swamp. The difference is between IMF credit and other credits is that IMF fixes relatively strictly how you must spend the money and for what. It is not a freely spendable money. For example, you cannot just take it and put into your offshore account... In exchange, the interests are 'relatively' low. But this is not good for such governmental thieves because they do not want to be controlled and told how they have to spend the money and for what. They want free money they can still steal because they are irresponsible and voracious. Even if such monies from other sources are of much higher interest -that's not problem for the politicians, because they wont pay a dime back, people will.
    This is the price of the fake freedom fighting they imitate. They are in cahoots with banksters behind the veil.
    This is not a pro-IMF post by any means, by the way... They are equally damned.

  7. This is brilliant news......One day soon the realisation that the debts will never be paid by many nations in debt, will bring about the plan 'b' that is being delayed ,but is inevitable. So why let the suffering continue any longer?

  8. why bother paying the Rothchilds off?? It was sourced off the energy of the people anyway. It was money created out of thin air, derived by the sale of the people's energy to the IMF in exchange for their representation of the people's value.

    Come on world. Wake up. Good on Hungry. Hurry up everyone else. This is so boring...

  9. At last someone has the balls to tell the rothschild wankers where to get off, this is the begining ....

  10. Wow, I hate to pour cold water on your enthusiasm but I must say this post contains many inaccuracies. All that happened is that the country decided it no longer needs the lower borrowing rates of the IMF and can afford to pay the higher rates on the market so that it does not need to adhere to IMF austerity prescriptions. In every other sense Hungary is a colony of the new world order and in no way does it have an independent central bank. Nobody knows who actually owns the shares in its central bank, but the previous central bank chairman, Zsigmond Jarai attended Bilderberg on a number of occassions so that should tell you something about its "independence". Also, Orban maybe a nationalist, but he is also deeply entrenched in the EU political system, being vice-chairman of the EU People's party, hardly the hallmark of an anti-NWO hardliner. Did I mention he received his Oxford education courtesy of the Soros foundation and was instrumental in bringing down the Berlin wall, thus making the NWO George Bush sr, famously talked about a real possibility.

  11. Good luck Hungary, although the lads from zion will now have him in their sights and the dirty deeds will start, first with discrediting and if that fails murder.

    Eastern Europe have always known who the enemy is, although cant see this happening is "Leon's Brittain" can you?

  12. Go Hungary!!! - Leading the way for the rest of the world to follow! Now all they need to do is legalize home schooling and what more do you want? They already kicked out Monsatan and their anti-human GMO filth!!! I'm a citizen of Hungary by birth, and if they keep this up, I'm learning the language with great dedication and moving and taking my family and productivity there.

    Take note Hungarians of the road to true freedom and thus prosperity, you're already well on the way:

    1. Homeschooling! Parents have an absolute right. The smartest most successful kids are home educated. No state is free that may forcibly indoctrinate the children against the wishes of the parents. That is not freedom it is slavery. Parents love their children, States cannot love children.

    2. Debt Free Sovereign Currency! What more needs to be said? It's common sense 101. Hungary you did it, those in the informed world honor your conviction, bravery and principles.

    3. Poisons and genetic contaminants in the food supply must be punished as the highest crime: genocide. Monsuckers / Dupont / Dow - that means you you fuckers.

    4. Zero tax on private citizens.

    With this you have the highest assurance possible of an extremely rich, prosperous wealthy and free place to live and raise your children. The smart money will move there, the greatest minds will go there. Have you heard this before? Yes, it was the United States post revolution, prior to the 1913 introduction of the Federal Reserve Act that has ever since sucked the life blood of any remnant of freedom from that once great and once prosperous nation, now turned psychopathic blood war criminal and slave on a leash to it's horrid new masters the Rothschilds.

    Freedom = Peace = Prosperity. It's the law of the universe. War mongers are there to suck you into the bad karma so you will drown in your own wrong doing and participation in evil. Peace is the Path.

  13. AWESOME ... lets hope more follow suit and the people can finally get rid of these parasites to humanity ...

  14. I hate to be negative but how will Hungary create value for its money? What will back its money? Gold? Remember, U.S. Dollars are backed by the United States Government that make them have worth. So Hungary has gold in vaults to back their money? Or what are you sayin, they just print money and it has value because they say so? Doesn't work that way.

    1. Actually that's EXACTLY how it works...

    2. do you think if the bankers print the same money it is different? ...only different because of the interest they will collect

    3. Several US politicians have claimed that there is a high chance that neither Fort Knox nor the FED have any gold.

      I'm sure Hungary has already thought this through. They are a fierce people and have been through the USSR, etc. To think that Hungary has no economic geniuses is prejudice, or to think the US is wiser than they are is foolishness.

    4. Exactly PonteVedraMan - the BIG problem is that money is actually worthless and is made out of thin air, ever since the gold and/or silver standards were dropped. There is NOTHING backing it. It's fictitious and is, as has been made obvious, a recipe for disaster.

    5. " Or what are you sayin, they just print money and it has value because they say so? Doesn't work that way"

      Why not? it works for America, Britain etc.

      They all have what is called a fiat currency ie. not backed by gold/silver or anything else tangible, it's currency value determined quite arbitrarily by a central bank, conjuring new money out of thin air/cyberspace.

      "Remember, U.S. Dollars are backed by the United States Government that make them have worth".

      Why then would it be too far a stretch for the Hungarian Government to back their own new currency?

    6. Also, the US Dollar is not backed by the United States Government. The Unites States of America Inc. declared bankruptcy in 1933, since then all the debt (there is no money which is why your currency says Federal Reserve Note at the top of it) is backed by the labor of the people. Lots of info out there on this blog and many other sources. I recommend looking into

    7. Good stuff Brian. However, all the time we have any form of currency or false value system, each individual is effectively pitted against every other. It's still a competition based system. Only a co-operative system, with a true value, ie. human/natural resource based system can succeed. Please have a look at TVP and TZM. We're cooking it big time down in Nelson, NZ. I was nearly Mayor with this. Richard Osmaston :)

  15. If the rest of the World followed Hungary and Iceland Rothschild would be out of Business for good and would no longer hold the World to ransom, and create Wars and Carnage as it has done for over 200 years.

    It is amazing that two relatively small Countries have taken this brave step amidst the rising power of Zionism.

    Great News,


    PS I lament for Australia where the two main parties are clearly controlled by the Zionist agenda and where people are completely unaware generally of who is actually controlling them. Our forthcoming Election will provide more of the same for the Australian people unless we wake up!

    All our Banks are largely owned by Rothschild associated Banks and make enormous profits each year while people struggle to pay their mortgages and generally survive, thanks to Usury. We are Debt slaves for sure. Homelessness is rising fast and inflation is rife. Our Debt to the Banksters is now A$300 Billion - and is also likely to rise in order for the Government to Balance their books.

    This Bullshit existence has to be stopped!

    Mike Lusher
    Tasmania, Australia

  16. Fantstic! Well done to the Hungarian government, but don't get carried away folks in the UK.
    Has our self serving, self enriching government, got the balls and the integrity to follow Hungary's lead?
    I doubt it!

  17. I seriously doubt the US will follow suit.... being as how it was founded on that perverse system.

  18. Hungary is a force. They also destroyed all the Monsanto GMO corn fields. You go Hungary.

  19. Unlikely that our greedy and corrupt government will follow suit but has to be worth a try. It may just shake them up some. We have to do something.

  20. America better Wake The Hell Up an join Hungary, as we would be o much better off and who help get rid of those that are buying out Our Politicians in Washington. They would have to join the rest of us Americans

  21. This is the Spirit ..and will ignite the rest of the Word..ICELAND NOW HUNGARY VIVA ...

  22. They need to get the CIA and British Secret Service out of the country fast if they are to continue!! The government need protection on a very big scale. They need to make it known that they will hunt down any individual that attempts to subvert them no matter who or where he/she resides and make a very quick example of their resolve.

  23. It's got to be done!! If anyone can't see what a farce our banking systems are - they deserve to go hungry!! There's always been too many 'middlemen', - that's all the IMF and any bank is; - set-up [a set-up!] to steal a large chunk of our money so as they can live like fraudulent lords!

  24. We are all Brothers on this wonder-full plant, "without prejudice" we all breath the same air , we all have red-blood running through our Veins, we are all under International LAW , we are all protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , when we all watch the NEWS of the day , we witness our Governments manipulating the underclass and why ? Money , Money & more $$$$$$$ . the only way to stop the Crazy-ness between us all is to ? protect each and every one of us , by starting with each other . Stop the Press , it time we fed our children , its time we protect the Elders and STOP the Fcuking bull-shit . The only thing i see is greed & more Fcuking GREED & @ the end of each day we all need fresh air, clean food , water & a pillow to put our head on @ night . Get real all of us stop the Fcuking Crap , Piss-off the greed & the paper debts @ the end of the day we can-not eat our Money, drink black-crude, or smoke dimonds, shit-out Gold, so why are we all fighting & or kill each other . We each step into the world with flesh & blood and as we leave , no one can take with them what we have . So 4 each off us all, lets just Help each other . Starting @ the top all the way to our Brothers in need . robi, all rights reserved

  25. As a Hungarian I really wish things would be as you described in this article. But is is not. People elected Fidesz because of all the lies and deeds of the post-communist morons of MSZP (Hungarian Socialist Party) and their liberal-zionist allies SZDSZ full of people (mostly jews) for whom anything Hungarian, or traditional was just to waste and to destroy, while both of these parties were corrupt and their members were stealing from the national and local budgets as much they could.
    We hoped for better, but the only things that have changed are the flags and the people. These liars are manipulating people under national flags, and they mostly do the opposite they say, just like their predecessors.
    As for the article:

    The closing of The IMF office in Hungary was already in process, since we paid back the IMF money. They did not leave, because the Fidesz demanded them to go, but because there was nothing to stay for here anymore.
    The government does not issue money, because the Hungarian Central Bank (MNB) is to do what they say in Bruxelles. :(
    The Euro is in bad state, the whole Eurozone is to collapse in the near future, and the Fidesz instead of helping the economy, takes away money from the companies and the people, just to keep a low deficit, so we can get closer to the introduction of Euro in Hungary, which is a nonsense.
    “Hungary enjoys the trust of investors.” Of course they trust Hungary, because our government issued state bonds which we pay in fact a higher interest, than we paid for the IMF. :(
    The criminal amount of debt the previous governments made are still here. This debt is too much to pay it back ever, since we do not have our own productions, thus GNP is minimal. The previous governments have sold out everything to multinational companies, but they only purchased the market, they were not willing to keep local production, so there is almost no industry now, and what we have doesn't have Hungarian ownership either. The politicians always talk about GDP, but they never ever mention GNP, which would be a key factor to get out of debt. GDP is depending on the goodwill of foreign companies, while GNP is not. Those companies would move farther to East immediately when they did not get the heavy state support they have now, or if they had to raise wages above a certain level. So what the government can do is to keep occupation going by supporting companies and by keeping wages down. Forever. This is called slavery. No matter by whom we are slaved of. IMF, other banks, or the "investors". Especially unwanted, Israeli, speculative investors, who never come to give in any means, just to take anything they can.
