Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Responds to Italian Accusations on Lack of Validity of UCC Filings
May 3, 2013
Thanks to BZ and the Oppt-In web creative team for getting this article up so quickly! ~BK

Here is Francesca’s (or another’s ?) opinion regarding Italy for absolute reference:
we have a problem serious one. some one tell the ucc filling are not valid for italy, and not valid at all like oppt have use it.
Quoting from: “ [8:30 AM] francesca_colella1: Il documento cardine di tutta la diatriba é l’UCC-1 fiancing statement. Ecco a cosa serve: “Una UCC-1 financing statement (abbreviazione di Uniform Commercial Code -1) è una forma giuridica attraverso la quale un creditore comunica che ha o può avere un interesse in una proprietà personale di un debitore (una persona che ha un debito verso il creditore come tipicamente specificato nel contratto di creazione del debito). Questo modulo è depositato al fine di “perfezionare” l’”interesse di sicurezza” di un creditore (un atto che da priorità e garanzia sulla possibilità di riscuotere un debito nel caso il debitore non assolva al suo impegno di pagamento), dando avviso pubblico che egli reclama il diritto di prendere possesso di e vendere alcuni beni per il rimborso di un debito specifico e che su questa vendita egli ha priorità. Tali avvisi di vendita si trovano spesso nei giornali locali. Una volta che il modulo è stato depositato, il creditore stabilisce una priorità rispetto ad altri creditori del debitore. Questo processo è chiamato anche “perfezionamento dell’interesse di sicurezza” nella proprietà http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UCC-1_financing_statement – cite_note-3 … I diritti del creditore nei confronti del debitore … si basano sui documenti di credito …, e non UCC-1 financing statement. [Nota di Redazione: questo documento non da alcun diritto sul bene reclamato, tale diritto va dimostrato documenti alla mano]
Buona giornata!!!! Baci…H
[8:12:42 AM] Heather: Francesca, we did them absolutely right…I will not redo or alter them….
perhaps identifying and making transparent the source who stated that they were not applicable or correct may help you and the others identify if there is an agenda or incompetence (whether by circumstance or intentional design)….if they were incorrect…I would either be dead, in jail, or disappeared well before now…
they are not incorrect and we made them transparent so that all “the attorney’s of the universe” could have the opportunity to do a DECLARATION OF REBUTTAL as stated above…absolute gratitude, love and peace to you Francesca. (heart)
[8:13:04 AM] Heather: In boca al luppo, cara mia!
[8:17:16 AM] Oliver Troll: What if there are non of these? “Always seek the advice of educated, reputable and honorable scholars of law first, before any action involving the law.”"
[8:17:20 AM] Heather: we have moved way past the well-worn opinion of “UCC is not applicable in….the OPPT filings are not done right….etc.”….IT IS DONE…
and all has moved on. Correct Diane and Oliver
[8:17:50 AM] terra.e.stella: Yay, Heather! You got that right! They always remove what is in their way – and you are still here and intend to be for some 1000+ years, right? And in our 30s for that matter….. JOY (sun)
[8:19:56 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [8:17 AM] Oliver Troll: “Always seek the advice of educated, reputable and honorable scholars of law first, before any action involving the law.”
Heather: “Oliver….I always was asked “do you know any honest attorneys?” An oxymoron to some degree, yes…however, it is more a matter of incompetency by design…the design of the principals & co of the former slavery systems…attorneys are compromised the moment they become an attorney, but they don’t know that…those that do, well….they make a choice…same as I had to make….
[8:21:19 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [8:17 AM] terra.e.stella: and you are still here and intend to be for some 1000+ years, right?
Heather: in this energetic pattern…just around 6,000 years

[8:21:57 AM] terra.e.stella: Lol! You got it, siSTAR (heart)
[8:25:41 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [8:20 AM] terra.e.stella: I bet all these paid esquires are sweating reading the filings, as there is not much they can do…..
Heather: to say they are not valid is ALL they can muster and keep pushing the old as long as it goes (wave)those who know, are really excited to BE free…those who are agenda, are not happy and scared…
those who are spouting out of their mouth, but not putting their full responsibility/liability behind it (rebuttal) are just schilling and hoping for the reward (absent guarantee) that they were promised if they pushed the “opinion”…and there are those who just don’t care as long as their pay checks are cashing in…and those are starting to be chipped away at as of 2011…
SOOOOOOO if they don’t know, they sense, if they don’t sense, they DO know shortly…I send them absolute love, peace and gratitude absent limit (heart)
[8:27:43 AM] terra.e.stella: Heather, tell us what else is new…..
[8:51:20 AM] Alfred On Gaia: hello Heather, that was not a question asked by Francesca, that’s done by a lawyer who has targeted us. And is willing to take legal action against the site manager www.opptitalia.org (that’s me) as long as the information we provide to him to his questions.
The main question is this: After depositing the document 200043135 in which you do not declare the debtor, as required, they sell deposited others (Aemendement) where the debtor is fictitious. According to him, this is why no one has been able to answer.
[8:51:33 AM] francesca_colella1: can be an agenda… is political envolved
[8:55:24 AM] Alfred On Gaia: he assumes that the principal document is the l’UCC-1 Financing Statement, where no debtor is mentioned
[8:58:31 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [8:51 AM] Alfred On Gaia: hello Heather, that was not a question asked by Francesca, that’s done by a lawyer who has targeted us.
Heather: thank you for clarifying and confirming where I knew it was coming from And is willing to take legal action against the site manager www.opptitalia.org (that’s me)take legal action AGAINST you? or work with you? Please clarify for me…
[8:59:42 AM] Alfred On Gaia: yes against me
[9:00:40 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [8:51 AM] Alfred On Gaia: as long as the information we provide to him to his questions.
Heather: his questions or the one he works for? who does he work for? firm, private individual? that will tell you a lot….
After depositing the document 200043135 in which you do not declare the debtor, ncorrect…it is all recorded in the perpetuity filing that is Doc No. 2000043135.
[9:00:58 AM] Alfred On Gaia: I’m talking with him, I think he just needs to be assured that all the operation was legal asking that questions. Otherwise he feells in right to take care of people attacking us
[9:01:58 AM] Alfred On Gaia: this is his quote:
“No one can answer UCC documents simply because the main document, the UCC-1 Financing Statement does not explicitly state who is the debtor, and because the amendments declare fictitious debtors. No one will ever nobody available. But it is not over here. The dichiarzione UCC-1 provides only a “right of priority” in the case in which the property dimostrarre than reclamanto. Property, of course, must be documented. These documents are missing. Finally, it is not true that these documents “were raised to the law” are simply the public declaration that someone does have unpreciso receivables from the debtor, so that the name of the debtor is required. BUT they have no legal value other than to indicate the priority of liquidation in bankruptcy and provided always that the property is demonstrated.”
[9:04:53 AM] Alfred On Gaia: Heather he is just an Individual Lawyer saying that he acts for freedom purpose and anti scam But I know he has political connection
[9:05:07 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [8:51 AM] Alfred On Gaia: they sell deposited others (Amendment) where the debtor is fictitious.
Heather: I do not know what he is meaning to say here….please have him clarify…because all the filings have EVERY THING from the original perpetuity filing to every last amendment.
According to him, this is why no one has been able to answer.If that is his opinion then perhaps it would be wise for him to seek legal counsel that is well-trained and versed in the matters at hand before he attempts to do any kind of formal rebuttal…because that would be with his full responsibilty and liability…
I am loving and grace-filled, but any official rebuttal is with his full responsibility and liability…as we are fully responsible and liable for the DECLARATION OF FACTS and everything we DO. (heart)
[9:06:31 AM] Alfred On Gaia: Thank You heather We’ll use theese informations to taking care of him (heart)
[9:07:17 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [8:53 AM] Alfred On Gaia: of Course… we just would love to reply to him in a good way he first has to give you something to reply to….
Heather: the DECLARATION OF FACTS is the action…he or whomever he “represents” (Berlusconi?…check the firm he is supposedly with…Berlusconi has gotten very sloppy since the Bond incident) has to issue a duly verified DECLARATION OF REBUTTAL etc….then you/we would have something to reply to….DO YOU SEE? That is lawyering 101….
[9:07:46 AM] Alfred On Gaia: of course Friends, we all know in our heart what is true…unfortunately, seems to be on the side of Beppe Grillo
[9:09:38 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [8:55 AM] Alfred On Gaia: he assumes that the principal document is the l’UCC-1 Financing Statement, where no debtor is mentioned
Heather: he really should seek legal counsel….ok…UCC-1 perpetuity filing does name a debtor Doc No 2000043135…and all amendments there under register additional debtors thereafter…he would have to read all the filings to actually know that…which he hasn’t or he wouldn’t have made that statement…
[9:11:34 AM] Alfred On Gaia: ooh nice! I will lead him on this way
[9:11:57 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [8:59 AM] Alfred On Gaia: yes against methen
Heather: he has to get past Caleb, Randall, and I first as it is our full responsibility and liability that all was done under…fully insured, guaranteed and bonded…give him my skype, phone number and email and he can proceed from there….WE DO THIS ABSOLUTELY TRANSPARENTLY…for all the universe to watch, observe and know.
[9:11:58 AM] francesca_colella1: i understand
[9:12:13 AM] francesca_colella1: thks heather
[9:12:14 AM] Alfred On Gaia: Ty very Much for this data (heart)
[9:13:21 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [9:01 AM] Alfred On Gaia: No one can answer UCC documents simply because the main document, the UCC-1 Financing Statement does not explicitly state who is the debtor, and because the amendments declare fictitious debtors. No one will ever no body available. But it is not over here. The dichiarzione UCC-1 provides only a “right of priority” in the case in which the property dimostrarre than reclamanto. Property, of course, must be documented. These documents are missing. Finally, it is not true that these documents “were raised to the law” are simply the public declaration that someone does have unpreciso receivables from the debtor, so that the name of the debtor is required. BUT they have no legal value other than to indicate the priority of liquidation in bankruptcy and provided always that the property is demonstrated.
Heather: Alfred send him to me…I DO take care of this….transparently…
[9:15:48 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [9:07 AM] Alfred On Gaia: of course Friends, we all know in our heart what is true unfortunately, seems to be on the side of Beppe Grillo
Heather: (rofl)….too funny…what is his full name Alfred? I will do a preliminary investigation on who he BE and who may be behind him. Please….I will release that data as I get it.
[9:16:19 AM] Alfred On Gaia: Ok Heather Ty for you assistance
[9:17:26 AM] Alfred On Gaia: Sabato Scala
[9:18:25 AM] Heather: well, Oliver, let’s see who wants to play and how….other wise….all know the rules…rules that they have been using forever (chuckle);)…and now they don’t want to play by them….lol.
[9:18:59 AM] Heather: got it Alfred…will let you know what I find…this was always my favorite part…the investigation! :* Baci!
[9:19:13 AM] francesca_colella1: https://www.facebook.com/sabato.scala
[9:21:32 AM] Alfred On Gaia: he’s also the founder of an anti oppt page http://www.facebook.com/Oppt.Alt
[9:22:16 AM] Alfred On Gaia: Grazie Heather!! (hug)
[9:23:59 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [9:17 AM] Alfred On Gaia: Sabato Scalahttp://www.sabatoefiammetta.it/sabatoscala.htm
Heather: Alfred, is this him?
[9:24:33 AM] Alfred On Gaia: yes
[9:24:42 AM] Alfred On Gaia: and Fiammetta is his wife
[9:25:41 AM] Heather: never mind, Francesca answered that question…Baci Francesca….ok…that explains everything…read his own DO’ing summary ….I will check his connections with the Italian black nobility…
[9:29:44 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [9:24 AM] Alfred On Gaia: yes and Fiammetta is his wife
Heather: Do you remember that couple a bit back who put out the youtube(s) bashing OPPT and all of that under the premises of christianity, etc?…or Winston Shrout, or Drake or Keenan, etc.?
Ok…well, this appears to be the same but the italian version….if he is an attorney (licensed under former Italy Corp)…give him my contact information…if this is just another opinion stater like those named herein…then that is their choice to spout as they choose.
[9:29:54 AM] nickin223: Heather u should sue these clowns for false information http://company-director-check.co.uk/director/916922015#resigned-appointments
[9:31:04 AM] Alfred On Gaia: I will bring him to your attention with love!
[9:31:25 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [9:29 AM] nickin223: Heather u should sue these clowns for false information http://company-director-check.co.uk/director/916922015#resigned-appointments
Heather: why? so I can be distracted and not get out the I/UV Ixchange tools of assistance? who are they harming Nickin? Not me…You?
[9:32:18 AM] Heather: Thank you Alfred!!! I stand by DO’ing until then.
[9:33:16 AM] Alfred On Gaia: (bow) (heart)
[9:31:58 AM] nickin223: u should sue them after its out then!
[9:35:24 AM] Heather: Quoting from: “ [9:32 AM] nickin223: u should sue them after its out then!
Heather: (facepalm) Nickin…seriously, I know you can imagine absent limit better than worrying about me and what affects me…’cause that doesn’t. I can take care of my self….please imagine DO’ing your own DO’ing please instead of PAY’ing soooo much energy into my BE’ing and DO’ing….I am excited to experience what you imagine absent limit and then DO what you imagine…please, what DO you imagine? what DO you choose to DO?
(see how much energy was just spent into that irrelevant matter…I DO so that you know it is irrelevant to ME. (heart)
SO Appropriate BK That the ONE with the BIGGEST
ReplyDelete"SET" is OUR Heather!!! It is Crumbling Quicker
and has literally switched from hours to Seconds
at this Point!!!
"You may find yourself,In another part of the
World" -DB
One thing I do not understand is how the UCC filings by OPPT and Heather are based off the premise that Charles C MIller gifted the UCC to heather and OPPT. It is a filing that was done back in 2000.
ReplyDeleteHow was Charles C Miller ever owner of the UCC and how could he turn ownership over to heather and the OPPT?
All the filings are based of that one UCC filing which can be seen here: http://ronmamita.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/2000043135.pdf
Can you Brian please explain or have Heather explain how this alleged gift from Charles C Miller of the UCC plays part into what OPPT has done?
Heather has already responded in great detail to all unsubstantiated accusations against the legitimacy of OPPT. Until the filings are rebutted, she has no intention on wasting any more of her time, explaining what she already has on many occasions out in the open for all to consider. As she does here as well:
Delete[11:42 AM] Jarrafusa:
<<< I have no idea who Thomas Arnold is....or what he is purportedly DO'ing...I am driven to DO at the moment ...and that which is relevant does swing itself into focus...like a bitchslap
My only response and irrevocable statement applicable to every piece of Absolute Data....make every piece of data visible and known to every embodiment so that they may review it, dissect it, discuss it, and determine the Absolute Truth using their tools of resonance within!!!! Beautiful!